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DBC businesses helping each other

Next Steps is a professional development and coaching business, owned and managed by Claire Bain, an expert in her field with over 25 years’ experience in introducing improvements within businesses across the UK. Claire has recently worked with fellow Down Business Connect member company, Trackars Bespoke Healthcare on the company’s vision, galvanising team spirit and other elements within the business.

  • Recently, Claire facilitated a Trackars’ team day, which was attended by the office staff from all of Trackars’ various offices, which are situated across NI. The aims were to encourage engagement with the various office team members, collectively create a vision and standards for the company, clarify of roles and contributions and to encourage discussion around the evolution of the company’s mission statement.  
  • The  team day was a huge success with staff reporting a better understanding of other team members and their roles, management understanding for the ‘buy in’ of Trackars’ values and standards, increased levels of motivation and a collective agreement on a new mission statement for the business.

For further information on how Next Steps can help your business, see | Information on Trackars’ Bespoke Bursing Care can be located at